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Tektite is not really a gemstone, it's a form of natural glass (much like obsidian) caused by heat. Rather than the heat being from volcanos, however, the heat that makes tektite comes from atmospheric friction. Meteorites enter the planet's atmosphere and are pulled down by gravity, the friction caused by moving through the atmosphere at hundreds of miles per hour builds up heat in the meteorite. When the meteorite impacts, it spends that heat energy (and usually itself) into the local rocks. This causes the rocks to melt with the remains of the meteorite, creating tektites.

Being a product of an extraterrestrial impact into the Earth, tektites are a fascinating blend of terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials. Sometimes, the tektite matrix will be almost entirely extraterrestrial material, resulting in pitting and other textures. Sometimes, it will contain inclusions of minerals or other materials.

  • Country of Origin: Australia.
  • Dimensions: 15mm to 20mm x 10mm. (may vary)
  • Weight: 3g to 8g (may vary)
  • Price are per/stone.
  • Tektite is a glass, which can shatter under heat or vibration, so it is best cleaned with warm, soapy water and a soft cloth. Dirt can be gently removed from any crevices with a soft brush. Do not use toothpaste, as that can scratch the glass surface of the tektite. Keep tektites in padded envelopes or boxes to prevent accidental breakage.

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