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Labradorite - Tumble

Labradorite - Tumble


Labradorite is named for where it was found in Labrador, a Canadian province on the Isle of Paul. Inuits once called labradorite a "fire stone" and would use powdered forms to help cure ailments.

Labradorite is most commonly known for its brilliant flashes of color called labradoressence caused by lamellar twinning inside the crystal. These twin lamellae structures are compatible at high temperatures, but not at low temperatures, resulting in separation and layering as the gemstone is formed. The extra colors you see in labradorite are caused by refracted light traveling at different speeds through the layers and coming out as a different wave length. A rare variety of labradorite "spectrolite" displays a richer, fuller spectrum of colors than most.

  • Country of Origin: Madagascar.
  • Dimensions: 15mm to 25mm x 15mm (may vary)
  • Weight: 7.5g to 12g
  • Price are per/stone.
  • Since labradorite has internal layers, it is susceptible to breakage if struck too hard or enough pressure is applied. For this reason, a lot of designers tend to use labradorite in earring and necklace designs over bracelets and rings to help avoid direct blows. When cleaning labradorite, the best method is to use gentle soap and water with an untreated cloth. It is not recommended to use ultrasonic, steam or boiling methods to clean labradorite. Store labradorite in a soft cloth to avoid surface scratches caused by harder materials.

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